Academic Success

Stress, Self-Care, Mental Health
- How can the Counseling Center help?
- Stress + Self Care

Have a speech? Or a project due?
The Oral Communication Center's services include:
- Peer consulting for presentations, speeches, and other modes of oral communication
- Speech planning and practice assistance
- Interactive workshops on a variety of relevant communication skills
- Special events and workshop series
The Counseling Center offers online academic and study strategy resources such as time management, overcoming procrastination, studying, test preparation, math learning, apps to help you track and achieve your goals, and more.
Students are always encouraged to seek out assistance early in the semester.
The Undergraduate Catalog provides contact information for major departments (search by college/school) and a directory of all student resources and services.
Peer Institution Websites:
*Resources from UMD peer institutions offer valuable information. While most of the information can be used by any student regardless of where they are enrolled, note that some links may provide contact information/resources that are available only to that particular institution. Special thanks to our peer institutions.

Your First Year of College
25 Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive in Your Freshman Year
(Note that UMD does not endorse these external links. They are listed here as resources for your consideration.)